A Pioneer-ing New Product from SpaceVac

A Pioneer-ing New Product from SpaceVac

27/04/2020 About SpaceVac ATEX Resources Distributor Education Product Focus 0

SpaceVac International are delighted to announce the release of a brand new system into our line of market leading high-level cleaning systems, with the launch of our new ATEX Pioneer system.

Like its namesake (the Internal Pioneer system) The ATEX PIONEER has been introduced to fill a very specific gap in the ATEX cleaning line – filling the gap between our entry level ATEX LITE system (for entry level users and users only cleaning at low levels) and the more heavy duty systems found elsewhere in the range like our 50mm Pro or Ultra systems.

The new system provides a budget-conscious solution for businesses looking to work in ATEX certified areas – allowing them to clean easily above head height, from the safety of the ground floor.

In addition to the full carbon, conductive cleaning poles, the PIONEER system also comes fully accessories with a range of cleaning tools and a number of different angled heads to allow operators to clean over, around and above – even the trickiest obstacles found at height.

Be sure to find out more information over on the website, where you can also book a free demonstration of this exciting new system at your convenience and on your premises. Meantime don’t forget – as of January 2020, you can also take advantage of a range of flexible finance options to make sure that purchasing your new SpaceVac is as simple and hassle free as can be!

Click here to explore the ATEX PIONEER in more detail!


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