SpaceVac Head to the Middle East

SpaceVac Head to the Middle East

30/04/2018 SpaceVac Around the World 0
SpaceVac in the Middle East

Its an exciting week of Team SpaceVac this week as our Demo Manager Grant and CEO Tommie head to the middle east for a busy week on-boarding our new partners in the region.

The Middle East is a new area for SpaceVac and one that we are very excited to be entering and so our new partnership with the Excel Group will be key to our plans to push SpaceVac out across the the region.

As well as making for some fantastic photography, we will be using our social media channels and the blog throughout the week to follow the process of setting up new suppliers and the kind of support new partners can expect from the SpaceVac team including on the ground training and support, marketing support and much more.

SpaceVac Demo Dubai

To talk to us about becoming a distributor for SpaceVac in your country, please contact us today to discuss your situation!

In the meantime don’t forget to connect with us on Social Media (@SpaceVac_UK) or follow Grant for updates through the week as well – you can find him on Twitter @SpaceVacDM


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