Five Great Reasons to Rent a SpaceVac Today
As you may have noticed elsewhere on the site over the last week, the team at SpaceVac were delighted recently to announce our new Rental options to customers across the UK. Today on the blog, our operations manager Rob Kruck looks at some of the common reasons why people come to us looking for a rental option…
“Rental is a great new option now available from the SpaceVac team and an option that we’ve had a lot of requests for over the last few years. In some situations we have always tried to help customers on an adhoc basis but this new hire scheme opens that flexible option up to customers across the UK.
While it might seem counterintuitive to give customers an option to NOT buy one of our systems – actually, we have found historically that customers looking to rent a system from us do so for a number of different reasons…
- To begin with, purchasing a SpaceVac is a much larger investment than a rental and not all of our customers, especially ones just beginning to offer high-level cleaning services for example, might not be able to make that kind of investment immediately. A rental therefore allows the client to enjoy the benefits of the system right away without big investment.
- Peace of Mind. Secondly – rentals make sense for some customers knowing that they don’t have to be responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of their SpaceVac system. Every time a system arrives onsite, users know that all of the equipment has been tested and checked, is all in the box where its supposed to be and all works perfectly. In addition – our UK wide team of cleaning specialists and engineers are available for help and support at any time!
- Flexibility. For some clients – particularly those without premises or with limited storage space, the practicalities of storing a system when its not in use, make renting an attractive option – with units being delivered direct to cleaning teams onsite and collected and returned from the same location meaning no need to transport or store large boxes and bags of equipment.
- For some of our clients, a rental is also a great way of making sure they are working with the most up to date cleaning tools available. Our engineering team are constantly updating and refining our cleaning systems to make it the worlds leading high-level cleaning option. Accordingly, renting versus buying means the latest version of our systems is always available and at your day 24/7 365 days a year.
- Finally – for some of our clients actually a rental is the perfect opportunity to “try before they buy”. While a demo is a great way to start to understand the impact SpaceVac COULD have on your premises, the only way of truly understanding that is to get to work on more meaningful cleaning projects with the system over a day or maybe a weekend. In this instance we’ve had a number of rental customers in the past return their rented system to us and immediately ask us for a quote to buy their own outright as well.
Whatever your reason for needing to rent a SpaceVac, we can help. Please be sure to check out the rentals area on the website here or email me [email protected] to discuss your requirements with me today!
High Level Cleaning rental vs purchase rentals SpaceVac spacevac rentals