Video: SpaceVac at the Riverside Hub
Anyone with children in the Northampton area might well at some point have visited The Riverside Hub – a fantastic indoor play facility on Riverside. Indeed; even if you haven’t visited this particular facility you may well have visited somewhere like it and you’ve probably noticed how high the ceilings and certain pieces of apparatus are.
It’s areas like this where the SpaceVac system comes into its own as our internal cleaning systems allow users to clean up to 11 meters from the ground floor – comfortably enough to clean and maintain even the highest set of monkey bars!
As the team at Riverside Hub demonstrate in this video, they found a perfect fit with our range of backpack vacuums:
The benefit of using a Backpack Vacuum is that you vacuum upright instead of hunching over which reduces lower back pain. This also creates a natural walking motion means less stress on your joints and less overall body stress due to the use of larger muscle groups. Wearing a backpack also improves user mobility and dramatically reduces any risk of falling.
Find out more about SpaceVac High Reach Internal Vacuum Cleaning System.
Until next time…
Team SpaceVac